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Viewing & Report Options

Home Ownership Records

View home ownership records
Use this option to display details about a manufactured home. You will be asked to enter at least one of the following: label number, serial number, owner name, or certificate number.
Download home ownership records
Use this option to generate a list of manufactured homes and download it to your computer. To generate a report of manufactured homes, please see the "Reports" section and use the Monthly Titling Report. You will be asked to enter at least one of the following: certificate, date range, county where home is installed, number of sections in the home, or wind zone.
NOTE: This is the same data compiled monthly and mailed to the taxing entities and appraisal districts in Texas.
Download selling retailer records
Here you can generate a list of selling retailer manufactured homes records and download it to your computer. You will be asked to enter at least one of the following: certificate, date range, county where home is installed or number of sections in the home.
View taxlien records
Use this option to display tax liens recorded on homes.
Download home tax lien records
Download home tax lien records. You will be asked to enter the tax year and/or the county of the tax office.
View List of Central Tax Collectors
Use this option to view the list of Central Tax Collectors (CTC) and the listing of taxing entities incorporated in the CTC.
Modular Home Previously Titled In Error By The State Records
Use this option to display modular homes previously titled in error by the state


Count of Ownership Records by County
This is a list of counties in Texas and the total number of current ownership records in each county.
Monthly Titling Report
Allows selection of homes installed per county within a month time period. With selected data fields.
Home Production Summary Report
Provides a summary of Manufactured Home Production within a time period by Manufacturer.

License Holders

View license holder records
This option displays details about a license holder. To search for a license holder you will be asked to enter their license number or name.
Download license holder records
With this option you can generate a list of license holders and download it to your computer. You may select a county or All counties, select a license type, and/or select Active/Inactive/All license holders.

Installation & Inspections

View home installation & inspection records
Use this option to view home installation and inspection information. To search for installation and inspection information you will be asked to enter the home's label/seal number, serial number, owner's name or license number.