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Manufactured Home Sales Report

Sales information is compiled from data received in the ownership recordation process (titling).

Please select your search criteria and click "Submit".

  1. Compile sales information by license number or name (select only one).

    License Number - Enter the last five numerical digits of the retailer's license number or "All" for all Sales by retailers (may be very large).

    Example: License number is MHDRET00012345 would be entered as 12345 and MHDRET00004125 would be entered as 04125

     May use partial name

  2. Enter date range in one year increments.

  3. Compile by:

  4. Select ALL for all sales or to limit sales to a specific county select county

  5. Optional filters (leave blank if not desired):

    Only supported after 11/19/2011

    The time required to generate the requested download file varies depending on your selection criteria and how busy the system is.

  6. Sort by:

Home ownership data was last updated on 03/25/2025

Questions or comments, please call 1-800-500-7074